Indika Chathuranga an outstanding weightlifter

Indika Dissanayake in action at a meet. Pictures. by Upananda Jayasundera-Kandy sports spl.corr

Thirty two year old, Indika Chathuranga Dissanayake, is an outstanding weightlifter who is attached to the Sri Lanka Navy who had his early education at Menikdiwela Central College and joined Kingswood College,Kandy to do higher studies as well as to improve the game of weightlifting in the year 2006.

Indika started weightlifting under the coaching of S.Ambanwala, the P.T.I. at Menikdiwela Central College and after joining Kingswood he went under the coaching of Athula Wijewickrema, the International Weightlifter and he was trained very well in weightlifting and today Indika Dissanayake has won many National and International awards in weightlifting. He was also coached by R.B.Wickremasinghe, veteran weightlifting coach.

Five feet. nine inches tall Indika represented the Navy in many National and International Meets and he won his weight class in 62 Kg. 69 Kg. and 73 Kg. from 2009 to date. He has a Sri Lanka Record in snatch lifting 122 Kg. in the 62 Weight class and he has established another record in Snatch under the weight Class of 69 Kg. in the Under 73 Kg. weight class. He has Sri lanka records in snatch(134 Kg.) Clean & Jerk (164 Kg.) and the full total of 298 Kg. In the year 2009 he participated at the Commonwealth Weightlifting Contest held in Malaysia and won a Silver Medal and in 2013 and 2015 again he contested at the Commonwealth Weightlifting Contsts and won Silver Medals in both contests in 62 Kg. and 63 Kg. respectively. In the year 2018 he participated at the Commonwealth Weightlifting contest held at Gold Coast, Australia and won a Silver Medal in the 69 Kg. weight class and in 2019 he participated at the Asian Weightlifting championship and was placed 8th.

In 2021 at Weightlifting trials he lifted 138 Kg. in Snatch and 161 Kg. in Clean & Jerk he was placed 8th at the Asian Weight Lifting Contest held at Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Indika is thankful to his Coaches of the Sri Lanka Navy for the encouragement given to him to come up to this standard.


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